Dasha Ziborova is a graphic novelist, picture book illustrator and a muralist. On her list are five children’s picture books including the award-winning Crispin the Terrible published by Callaway Editions, and In English, of Course and The Numbers Dance by Gingerbread House.
Awards include Children’s Choice from the International Reading Association, finalist for ForeWord magazine’s Book of the Year, and ABA Book Sense’s Pick of the Lists.
Besides writing and illustrating books, Dasha has also designed and painted a series of large-scale murals for The Peninsula Hotel’s New York and Chicago locations; Plaza Hotel, NY; designs for reliefs for the Waldorf Astoria, NY and designs for over 30 murals for Atlantic Center in Brooklyn.
Dasha Ziborova is represented by Literary Counsel.
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Real Time In Ink is a serie of graphic diary entries which cover a broad range of topics from NYC life, people, parenting, art, music, cats, food, travel, to occasional politics and scary crazy Russians.